Whites Hill Reserve

This year, DG Sue Mulraney has agreed to another D9620 Tree Planting Challenge Day.  This is planned for Saturday 26 April 2025 - (Environment Month).

DGE Mark Williams and DGN Ian Hope have already indicated that they are keen to have a District Tree Planting Challenge Day in their years.

Participating in this event allows all Clubs to continue to contribute to Rotary’s latest area of focus “Supporting the Environment” in their area.

For Brisbane and surrounding area Clubs, Brisbane City Council’s Offsets and Restoration Team has once again offered a venue for this year’s planting at Whites Hill Reserve.

For the non Brisbane area Clubs, if any of your Club members happen to be in Brisbane on the day, they would be more than welcome to join the team at Whites Hill.


We know that there are some Clubs who are already planning or are involved in continuing their own tree planting projects. Please let us know at dkals@aussiebb.com.au about your Club’s tree planting project (photos please) so that we can compile a record of the overall District 2024-25 response to the Tree Planting Challenge.

We are looking forward to another successful District Planting Day project and hearing how your Club helped our District:


David Kearney

Coordinator - D9620 Tree Planting Challenge Working Group

Kenmore Rotary Club             dkals@aussiebb.com.au        0419700647
