Posted by Elwyn Hodges
Newsletter – December 2020
9620 Update
Clusters and Assistant Governors (AG):
For the charter of District 9620 our District will be managed through fourteen clusters, each with an Assistant Governor who will provide direct support to the clubs and assistance to the District Governor. They will be making contact with your clubs at least four times a year – maybe face to face, by zoom or with your Presidents at a cluster meeting.
Each cluster has been named after a Past Rotary International President and the details include the theme for the year – perhaps it can be a motivating idea for the year’s activities
Clusters include between 8 and 10 clubs with at least one of those being from our three smaller island countries.  We are part of South East Queensland, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Nauru.

DG Visits
A calendar for the DG to visit every club during the year has been completed but I’m hoping is that you will work with other Clubs either within your cluster or that you otherwise work closely with and decide to combine for the visit.  It could be two clubs or ten clubs – your choice. I don’t believe the meeting needs to be formal – you can decide a way in which I can meet as many as possible and can see Rotary at work. Your AGs will be in touch in the next few weeks to distribute the calendar of visit dates and also to learn about your President Elect

Please click the below link for the list of charter AGs and their clusters.
D9620 Assistant Governors 2021-22 and Clusters