District 9620 has secured a Disaster Response Grant from the Rotary Foundation. This grant has enabled us to offer clubs, on a reimbursement basis (requirement of the Rotary Foundation), District Disaster Recovery Grants to fund activities and projects that support relief and recovery efforts for families, across the District, that have been impacted by the current flood disaster. Support includes the provision of basic items such as water, food, medicine, and clothing. It can also cover the costs associated with helping with the major clean-up of homes, for example cleaning products and equipment necessary to enable the clean up and to assist affected families to get back into their homes with basic needs such as fridges and washing machines (of a basic nature) to see them through until they can re-establish themselves.
Grants will be approved based on their eligibility, the club’s contribution to the project (financial or in kind) and the merit and benefits of the project. Applications will be assessed and approved on a first come basis by a special Grants Sub-Committee comprising the Foundation Coordinator, the District Governor, the current District Grants Chair and the incoming District Grants Chair. Applications will close once all grant funds have been committed. Grants are limited to a maximum of $3,000 per club but clubs are encouraged to work together to enable larger grants.
Grant Applications are now open using the Application form downloadable below.
For further information please contact the District Foundation Coordinator PDG Elwyn Hodges.