Considering Applying for an Area Governor Position Now or in the Future?
As an Area Governor, your role on the district leadership team is crucial. You are the connection between your designated clubs and the district, and you are the main support person for your clubs. The relationships you build with club leaders makes Rotary stronger.
By working closely with the District Governor and fellow members of the District Leadership Team, you will help:
- provide continuity in leadership
- motivate incoming presidents
- clubs reach their potential
To become an Australian Rotary Area Governor, you will have met the minimum requirements of having been a Rotarian of good standing for 5 years and have served at least one term as a club president. You will also be considered by district leaders to possess suitable leadership and communication skills to perform this important district role. Additionally, by accepting your appointment to this position will have made a commitment to the role for a total of three years, with the first year as an Area Governor Elect, followed by two years as an Area Governor. Having been an Assistant Governor under the former District structure does not preclude you from holding the position of Area Governor.
As an experienced member considered suitable to fulfil the district role of Area Governor, you will have already noted the wealth of Rotary services and resources that are available to members through My Rotary - the members’ area of Rotary’s website. Here you will have found and will be able to continue to leverage information, resources, and publications; access club and district data of relevance to your role; and access advice and guidance through the Rotary Learning Centre and the Grant Centre.
Your Role as an Area Governor
- assist the District Governor;
- engage and inspire members; and
- promote Rotary in your Area.
The Area Governor position is normally a three-year position, but may be preceded by one year as Area Governor Elect.
Responsibilities - Area Governor Elect
- Attend the District Leadership Training Seminar in the year prior to becoming an Area Governor;
- Encourage/coordinate joint club meetings within your Area, working with the Area Governor;
- Assist the District Governor Elect in setting district goals for the year that align with the district strategic plan and Rotary’s strategic plan;
- Assist the District Governor Elect with the planning for the district conference as required;
- Assist the District Training Team with the district leadership training seminar, presidents-elect training seminar, and district training assembly as required by the District Governor Elect; and
- Identify and recommend Rotarians as potential district committee coordinators/chairs to the District Governor Elect.
Responsibilities - Area Governor
In consultation with the District Governor and with assistance of the District Training Team (where necessary)
Within District 9620 the DGN, specifically as a member of the 9620 Board, has he responsibility to support and motivate Area Governors and connect them with additional links/resources where required. In this respect Area Governors are encouraged to leverage the support available from the DGN in fulfilling the following responsibilities.
In addition, commencing in 2022, two experienced AG’s will be appointed to assist AG’s both with mainland clubs and those located in the Islands. These two appointments will provide AG’s with an additional support and provide a safety net should the appointed AG require leave of absence due to medical or family requirements.
- Serve as the District Governor's official representative among designated Area clubs to assist in the mentoring and development of clubs;
- Contribute to district strategic planning with the Governor, Governor-Elect and Governor-Nominee, ensuring clubs remain aligned to district plans;
- Maintain personal currency in Rotary initiatives, policies, and procedures;
- Strengthen clubs by supporting them in setting realistic goals, finding solutions to challenges, resolving conflicts, and meeting membership, financial, and other requirements;
- Act as a liaison channel between clubs and district committees when needed;
- Communicate clubs’ strengths, weaknesses, and progress toward goals to the Governor;
- Attend and support the presidents-elect training seminar and district training assembly;
- Officially visit each club within your Area (through meetings with one or more clubs) twice a year, to raise awareness of important Rotary issues, support struggling clubs, motivate club members to participate in service, and recognise members’ contributions;
- Communicate regularly with each club president and secretary within your Area;
- Convene regular joint meetings (at least quarterly) of your Area club presidents to discuss progress against district plans, share "best practices" across clubs, and encourage mutual collaboration on any issue arising;
- Attend club meetings, club assemblies, and other events as invited to discuss club activities, resources, and opportunities;
- Enable joint activities and projects between clubs within your Area;
- Identify potential for starting new clubs and support development of such clubs;
- Identify and develop future leaders;
- Encourage open communication among clubs, as well as between clubs and RI;
- Assist club leaders in planning and preparing for the District Governor's official visit;
- Support The Rotary Foundation through fundraising and grant activities;
- Serve as a spokesperson for your Area and Rotary when appropriate, and in accordance with the District Communication Plan;
- Help the Governor-Elect plan and prepare for incoming officer training meetings;
- Assist with the conducting of district events, including the district conference, district leadership seminar, and district Rotary Foundation seminar that apply to your Area;
- Coordinate any district leadership team activities within your Area;
- Foster continuity by working with past, current, and incoming district leaders;
- Ensure compliance with RI and District requirements and any government laws and regulations, (including payment of dues, currency of constitution/bylaws, Annual Returns, etc.);
- Transfer district files and share status of clubs with the Area Governor-Elect at the end of your term;
- Reviewing clubs’ status with the Area Governor-Elect before the Australian Zone Institute and offering recommendations for strengthening weak clubs;
- Following the District Governor Code of Ethics (Rotary Code of Policies section 19.010.1.);
- Performing such other duties as required by the District Governor;